Rainfall summaries by climate division (tables & maps) - Warm Growing Season

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Warm Growing Season: Mar 1, 2024 through Apr 17, 2024
Normals data from 1981-2010
Climate Division Total Rainfall Departure from Normal Pct of Normal Rank since 1921 (104 periods) Driest on Record Wettest on Record
Panhandle 0.66" -1.64" 29% 14th driest 0.06" (1936) 6.04" (1973)
N. Central 1.17" -2.86" 29% 13th driest 0.10" (1971) 9.66" (1973)
Northeast 3.71" -1.81" 67% 30th driest 0.44" (1971) 12.81" (1973)
W. Central 1.79" -1.66" 52% 29th driest 0.17" (1971) 9.16" (1973)
Central 3.30" -1.46" 69% 36th driest 0.34" (1971) 10.86" (1945)
E. Central 4.47" -1.42" 76% 39th driest 0.82" (1971) 18.90" (1945)
Southwest 2.63" -0.93" 74% 51st driest 0.04" (2011) 7.77" (1973)
S. Central 4.46" -0.70" 86% 50th wettest 0.84" (1956) 12.20" (1945)
Southeast 7.98" +1.36" 120% 23rd wettest 1.52" (1966) 18.29" (2008)
Statewide 3.29" -1.30" 72% 29th driest 0.61" (1971) 9.97" (1973)
Rainfall Stats (Click Link to Enlarge)
Total Precipitation
Normal Precipitation
Percentage Normal

Tables of rainfall summaries for each climate division are available. Separate summaries are provided for the differing durations of rainfall: from spring to the current date, the warm growing season, the beginning of the calender year to the current date, the water year through the current date, and the last 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 365 days.